Know who you’re buying from.

All our sellers are FICA registered and verified on our platform. We help prepare sellers for auction.

Know what you’re buying.

All auction items are professionally inspected and verified, and you can visit the assets yourself prior to bidding.

About our Auctions

Timed Auctions

Auctions are live and take place over a set period of time that is communicated prior to commencing.

Hidden Reserves

Our auctions are reserved. Sellers set reserve prices that are hidden to bidders, and the auction is won buy the highest bid that exceeds the reserve.

Start Bid Set

A starting bid is set by the seller. This bid is equal to or lower than the reserve.

Anonymous Bidding

All bidders, and the amounts they bid, are anonymous and not disclosed.

Incremental Amounts

Bidding occurs in set increments that are asset and auction specific.

Open For Offer

Buyers can place a sealed offer after the auction has closed and the asset did not meet its reserve. Sellers then have up to 5 days after the item closes to select the winning offer.

Buyer’s Commission

Buyers are charged commission on the total amount paid for an auction item.

STC (Subject to Confirmation)

All bids that don’t meet the reserve price set by the seller will be treated as offers and are subject to confirmation.

How to register as a buyer


Set up an Account

Create your profile and once we’ve verified your account you’ll be able to participate and register in our Auctions!


Configure Your Profile

Set your preferences and customize your auction experience to see and be notified of the equipment and assets relevant to you.


Register for an Auction

Click on the auction you wish to participate in and register to bid. You will be required to place a deposit before you can start bidding.


Start Bidding

Now you’re ready to start bidding! Participate and bid on a live auction or set your Autobid to bid for you.

How to Buy


Find the Assets You Need

Browse, search, and filter the auction listings for the equipment and vehicles that are relevant to you.


Get to Know Them

View the asset’s verified inspection report and close-up photos for a detailed account online.


See For Yourself

Feel more confident in your decision by viewing, testing, and inspecting the asset in person prior to bidding.


Register & Bid

Find your asset, register for that auction and place a bid, make an offer, or buy now at the seller’s fixed & competitive price.